by | Nov 25, 2020 | News about Mindgrove
Working from Home Covid 19 has made this year an exceedingly challenging time for all of us and some of us have already decided to spend more time working from home and less time commuting in the future. In fact, controversially, some of us have discovered that we can...
by | Aug 1, 2020 | News about Mindgrove, Training Events
When Mindgrove develops training courses and materials we use three sources of knowledge to help curate our work. 1) We use our own considerable experience – each one of our presenters had prior business experience before they moved into internal audit....
by | May 1, 2017 | Training Events
We’ve populated our events calendar with training events that Mindgrove will be running. See them by selecting the ‘Upcoming Events’ option from our training menu. Some of the events are in Manchester (typically city centre) and some in London...
by | Apr 29, 2017 | IT Audit, News about Mindgrove, Report Writing, Risk and Control
We’ve started to add live events, and upcoming training courses to our site. So that there will be something to look at over the next few weeks. Our connections to our Twitter and Facebook accounts are now live too. And it turns out that our office cat Giles...
by | Apr 28, 2017 | News about Mindgrove
Security Update – Secure Browsing – only HTTPS connections allowed from 01/01/2019 onwards Our website has evolved over the years and is now entirely supported by a secure HTTPS connection. If you have a cached copy of the website in your browser we...